Monthly Archives: December 2022

Schools Closed Friday, December 23rd due to Winter Storm

All Schools Closed, All Buses Cancelled.Friday December 23, 2022

  • Due to the impending weather conditions ALL Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Waterloo Region District School Board SCHOOLS AND SITES WILL BE CLOSED Friday December 23.
  • All before and after school programs and child care centres co-located in schools WILL BE CLOSED
  • All programs and services offered by St. Louis Continuing Education and Adult and Learning Centres will be cancelled

Christmas Message

Joy and blessings from the St. Elizabeth staff to our Eagle families. May you have a safe and happy holiday filled with peace and love.

Ballroom Dance Performance – Grades 7 & 8 – Dec. 19th at 1:00 pm

You are invited to join the Grade 7 and 8 classes as they present their ballroom and line dances.


Date:        Monday, December 19, 2022

Time:       1:00 pm

Place:       St. Elizabeth School Gym


The students have worked hard to learn 3 different dances. They will be having a friendly mini-group competition. Judges from “Future Steps Dance” will be present to assess the groups. Please join us to celebrate artistic learning and enjoy some fabulous dancing. Please plan to arrive no earlier than 12:45 pm. The performance will begin at 1:00 pm.

Winter Clothing Drive & Exchange Update

Winter Clothing Drive & Exchange Update
Hello St. Elizabeth Families,
As December has hit us with some cold winter weather, our school has decided to take action this holiday
season by running a Winter Clothing Drive & Exchange. As of December 12, 2022, our school
community started collecting new or usable coats, boots, snow pants, hats or mitts/gloves to give to those
in our class and community! We wanted to thank you for the response as we have received a
wonderful amount of donations!

Want Warm Items for your Child?
The items will be available to all students within our school, with the extra’s being provided to
others in need across our board. Orange forms went out last week that showed gender and sizing
of clothing your child may need. Please send in your forms to your child’s teacher as soon as
possible. We have lots of great warm items to pass along! These items will go home with your
child, December 21, 22, 23. Please note: You do not need to donate anything to receive items and
the process is confidential. The purpose this holiday season is for those who are in need of warm
winter clothing to be provided with it and those who have extra or unused items to be able to share those
items to those who do need them.

With this holiday season approaching, we know that there are many ways to give and we hope by taking
this small action as a community we may start the gift giving by helping out neighbors first; our very own
classrooms and school community at St. Elizabeths.

We encourage you to keep sending your warm donations until December 21, 2022 and take advantage of
this great way to give and upcycle what isn’t being used!
Warm Wishes and Enjoy the Holiday Season,
Santa’s Helpers

All school transportation cancelled — All schools OPEN

Due to the current weather conditions, ALL SCHOOL BUSES, TAXIS AND SPECIAL EDUCATION ROUTES operated by the Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Waterloo Region District School Board are cancelled. All Public and Catholic Schools are OPEN. All St. Louis online, daytime, and evening classes are open at all locations. All Extended Day Childcare Programs are OPEN.

Winter Clothing Drive and Exchange -Begins December 12th

Winter Clothing Drive & Exchange    

Hello St. Elizabeth Families,

As December has hit us with some cold winter weather, our school has decided to take action this holiday season by running a Winter Clothing Drive & Exchange. As of December 12, 2022, our school community will be collecting any new or gently used coats, boots, snow pants, hats or mitts to pass along to those in our school community! NOTE: You do not need to donate items in order to receive items.

The purpose this holiday season is for those who are in need of warm winter clothing to be provided with it and those who have extra or unused items to be able to share those items to those who do need them. The items will be available to all students within our school, with the extra’s being provided to others in need across our board.

With this holiday season approaching, we know that there are many ways to give, and we hope by taking this small action as a community we may start the gift giving by helping out neighbors first; our very own classrooms and school community at St. Elizabeth’s.

Here is how it will work!

Looking for some Warm Winter Items:

  • A form will go home this week with your child. The form will indicate all items available for donation, girls’ and boys’ hats, mitts, coats, boots and snow pants as well as sizes. If you are interested in receiving items for your child simply select the boxes on the form and send it back to your teacher.
  • The teacher will collect the forms and advise volunteers items and sizes that are needed for the class.
  • Information will remain private, and the clothing drive is open to everyone.
  • Volunteers will deliver the items to the class to be sent home by December 22 & 23, 2022.

Looking to donate some Warm Winter Items:

Start sending as of December 12, 2022, until December 21,2022. The items will be picked up every day by volunteers and distributed to the classroom that could use them on December 22, 2022 & December 23, 2022.

We encourage you to take advantage of this great way to give and upcycle what isn’t being used!

Warm Wishes and Enjoy the Holiday Season,


St. Elizabeth Santa’s Elves (a.k.a. School Volunteers)

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