Monthly Archives: January 2023

Public Health Grade 8 Catch up Clinic February 27th at St. Elizabeth (Meningococcal/COVID-19)

It has been confirmed that the Region of Waterloo Public Health School Catch-up clinic will run at St. Elizabeth on Monday, February 27th beginning at 9:15 am. Please see the attached parent letter.

Parent Letter_Grade 8 School Catch Up Clinics

This is for grade 8 students only and is strictly voluntary. Parent consents are to be completed on-line at


Any questions, please contact:

  • or
  •  519-575-4400 x3029 (Voicemail Only)

Grade 8 School Immunization Catch-Up Clinics

Please read the important information from the Region of Waterloo Public Health regarding Grade 8 Immunization School Catch-Up Clinics.


Parent Letter_Grade 8 School Catch Up Clinics


Please note that while the COVID-19 vaccine is being made available by Public Health along with the other routine school vaccinations, it is being made available on a strictly volunteer basis only and there is no requirement for students to receive it.

Friday is the last chance to purchase Family Valentine Event Tickets!

A message from the St. Elizabeth School Council!
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get tickets. Proceeds from the dance help School Council buy extra things for the school. This year we are purchasing different robots (different types for each division so all will benefit) and then working towards a possible 3d printer. Hoping to see all your families there. Please remind all your friends. Tickets available on SchoolCash online.

Such a great community event, meet your kids friends, pizza, nail painting, face painting, selfie station, and silent auction. This year we are even having a book sale.

Be sure to get tickets as no cash is allowed on the night of.

Opportunity for Spanish Exchange Students for 2023-2024 Year

WCDSB grade 7 students: Do you want to have an incredible International Experience with other students from around the Region? Would you like to learn Spanish, travel to Spain, and make new friends?  We are once again offering students who are currently in grade 7 the opportunity to be a part of the 2023-24 Grade 8 Spanish Exchange. If you would like to learn more, plan to come to one of our Information Sessions on February 1st or 2nd. Please see the attached letters for more information

Gr 8 Spanish Exchange Parent Letter 2023-24

Kens intro letter with QR codes_WCDSB 2023-24

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