Monthly Archives: October 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023 is Canadian Library Workers Day

Friday, October 20, 2023 is Canadian Library Workers Day

The staff and students of St. Elizabeth School   would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our Librarians & Librarian Technicians today on “Canadian Library Workers Day”.  From cataloging so many books, story time with classes, and supporting schools with technology and other resources, we say thank you to all of you. You are always ready to lend a helping hand. You all play valuable roles in our schools. A special thanks to Giji for making our Learning Commons a welcoming space!  We hope you enjoy your day!

Wednesday, October 18 is National Bus Drivers Day

Wednesday, October 18 is National Bus Drivers Day

The staff and students of St. Elizabeth Catholic School would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our Bus Drivers today on “National Bus Drivers Day”.  You are sometimes the first smiling adult a child sees each morning and the last before they get home.  You always brave the weather to get our kids safely where they need to be, while being a shining example for students as you do it!  You are truly superheroes and today we want to say THANK YOU!

Early Child Educator Appreciation Day – thank you!


Tuesday, October 17, 2023 is Early Childhood Educators Day

The staff and students of St. Elizabeth School would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our Early Childhood Educators today on Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day.  It is often said that “It takes a big heart to work with a small child.”  We are so thankful for your efforts with our youngest learners.  Our students in Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten learn and grow so much, thanks to your efforts with them, day-in and day-out.  Your endless patience, kindness and enthusiasm with our youngest learners helps to create an environment that they want to be in, that their parents trust, and that builds the foundation for a wonderful educational experience for years to come.  Everyone here at St. Elizabeth School would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you!

Extended Day and Christmas Break – Please read if your child is in Extended Day!

Christmas Break

January 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2024


In order to determine site viability and staffing, account holders must access their OneList account to apply vacation credits for January 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2024 if the Extended Day Program is not needed.

This must be completed on or before Friday, November 3, 2023. 

Any changes to your OneList schedule, including registration or withdrawal for January 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2024, must be made on or before Friday, November 3, 2023.

Please note: all sites may not be running on these dates depending on registration.  If your school site is not operating you will receive notification outlining alternative Extended Day locations on or before Tuesday November 7th, 2023.

*Please note that no changes will be accepted after November 3, 2023, for January 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2024*


ECE Supervisors October 10, 2023

Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser

Our school is fundraising with Mabel’s Labels! If you’re not familiar with Mabel’s Labels, they are personalized, durable, waterproof labels. They are great for everything from shoes, clothing tags, water bottles and backpacks. You can customize them with your name and a design, and they are dishwasher, laundry and microwave safe.


Mabel’s Labels also offers clothing stamps, silicone bands for water bottles and medical alert labels. This is a great way to ensure your items don’t end up in the lost & found or mixed up. To reduce the spread of germs, we highly recommend labelling but they are also useful for everyday life.


To support our fundraiser, visit and select St. Elizabeth Catholic School Cambridge. You can pick out whatever labels or product you want, and it will ship for free directly to your house! Thank you for supporting us!

Halloween Happenings!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The St. Elizabeth community is getting prepared to celebrate…H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N! Please review the following information about our “thrilling” upcoming events.

Halloween Dance – Time to Boo-gie!
There will be a Halloween Dance on Tuesday October 31st. Each division from Kindergarten to Intermediate will have a timeslot to participate in the gym. Students will be provided with complimentary popcorn by School Council, which can be eaten in class (not during the dance).

Spirit Days – Why do ghosts like elevators? …. Because they lift the spirits!
There will be a Pumpkin Carving Contest the week of October 23rd to October 27th. Each classroom will carve and/or paint a pumpkin for submission. Pumpkins will go on display in the atrium on Monday October 30th and voting for favourite pumpkins will take place Tuesday October 31st. A classroom winner from each division (FDK, Primary, Junior, Intermediate) will be announced Wednesday November 1st. 

We will be having Spirit Days during the week leading up to Halloween. These are the themes for each day:

  • Wednesday October 25th – Flannel Day
  • Thursday October 26th – Paint Your Face Day
  • Friday October 27th – Halloween Hair & Accessories (Hats, Headbands & Socks)
  • Monday October 30th – Fall Colours Day
  • Tuesday October 31st – Monstrous Monday – Wear your Halloween Costumes!

Remember that full face masks, weapons and gory costumes or gory makeup are not allowed. Also, “inflatable costumes” are not being permitted this year. Do not wear costumes that are offensive or that appropriate the cultures of others. It is also suggested that any accessories that accompany a costume are best left at home to avoid them getting lost, broken, or forgotten at school. Parents, please use your discretion regarding whether your child will need a change of clothes if they do not want to wear their costume for the full day.

Treats – Bone-appetit!
On the day of Halloween, students may wish to bring treats for their classmates. Please note the following:

  • Treats must be peanut and nut free
  • Treats should be prepackaged, store-bought items (i.e. no homemade goods).
  • Students will be allowed to distribute their treats at the end of the day and they will be sent home (rather than eaten in class).
  • If you are sending treats, please ensure that there will be enough for each student in your child’s class.

We are looking forward to a Spooktacular Halloween season!

Thank you,

Staff of St. Elizabeth School


WE APPRECIATE TEACHERS – Today is World Teacher Day

World Teacher Day – Oct. 5th

Email for Thursday, October 5: World Teacher Day

The staff and students of St. Elizabeth School would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the teachers today on “World Teacher Day”.  Without you, there would be no doctors, lawyers, CEO’s, engineers, authors … and the list goes on.  Who would teach our students the difference between right and wrong?  Who would problem solve with our students and who would teach them that above all, being a good positive member of God’s world is truly what matters?  Behind every successful person – however you measure success – is a good teacher.  Today, we want to let you know that we recognize the sacrifices that you make in your personal time and your family time for our students.  We recognize the dedication that you demonstrate to your craft, inspiring students to understand an ever-changing curriculum and pushing them to learn more.  We recognize your genuine love you demonstrate for our students, as you take care of all their needs – spiritual, emotional and social.

Today we recognize YOU and the impact that you have on our world.  THANK YOU to all our teachers here at St. Elizabeth .  Keep changing the world!

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